Netia Unified Communications is the only unified cloud communication service in the European market, combining the Client’s landline and mobile telephony services (fixed and mobile numbers) with modern electronic communication (Unified Communications business communicator). It allows you to use any device – desktop phone, mobile phone, tablet or computer – anywhere and to communicate continuously.
"We are very pleased with this award. For the second year in a row, we have been recognized by the market for our innovative product in the field of integrated voice communication. Netia Unified Communications is an enhanced version of our earlier New Netia solution. However, it has been upgraded to offer video conferencing, a system of reporting and recording telephone calls, both fixed and mobile. Moreover, we integrated landline and mobile services in a common cloud-based communication system, gaining a market advantage over other products of this type” - said Paweł Rychcik, Head of the Product Department at Netia S.A.
It does not matter whether a customer calls the company number or the mobile number. The user is always within range, as the service is available on mobile as well as Wifi, LTE, 3G or Fixed Line networks. You can also use your personal smartphone to make corporate identity calls, as well as to hold conversations, video meetings and video conferences, share content from your desktop and applications, record conversations, or transmit any information in real time.
Importantly, the solution meets the needs of users in all markets, giving them full freedom in communication.